My solar and ba – a – tte – ry! (Sing it with gusto!)
I’ve been helping people go solar for almost 2 years.
Why did I wait so long for my own house?
Before going solar, a smart homeowner needs to know …
Is solar a smart investment for my house?
3 critical questions:
- How much electricity do I use every year?
- Will my rooftop (based on shading and direction) support enough
solar panels? - Will going solar cost less than staying with my utility?
2 years ago I found out my biggest problem was electricity usage.
So I made changes:
- Got new HVAC systems.
- Got a variable speed pool pump.
- Added insulation to the attic.
Those changes cut my electricity usage by a third!!!
Now, solar made sense — even though my rooftop is not great for
solar. Good. Just not great.
Added a battery to have power for essential items when the grid
is down.
Over the next year
I will pull back the curtain for you
as I monitor and report on the
real world performance of my solar and battery.
For your Smart Homeowner list
If you have solar, check on your system’s performance.
If you’re ready to see if solar is a smart investment for your
home, I can help.
Reply to this email with your questions.
Or book a 15 minute call with the link below.
P.S. In a 15 minute Solar Clarity Call, you can know if your home is eligible for solar or when it might be in the future.