Smart Homeowners
Daily tips and resources to help you improve, care for and protect your home.
I will give you something every day so you can live smarter. With my team of experts, we’ll cover what matters to you: security, energy efficiency, maintenance, home improvement, finance and insurance.
🗓️ Maintenance that saves you money
Just like neglecting your car’s oil changes can lead to engine failure, ignoring your HVAC’s regular maintenance costs you more money in the long run. Let’s hear from Professional Comfort Advisor Daniel Fisher: Why it matters: A well-maintained system will be more efficient, keeping your energy bills down. 🔧 HVAC systems that see yearly maintenance last […]
🏡 Protecting your most valuable asset
Disability insurance is a tool to give you peace of mind and help you protect your most valuable asset. Why it matters: 1 in 4 people will become disabled before age 67. Financial advisor Forrest Patterson helps his clients plan for the unexpected: 🔭 Zoom out: What is your most valuable asset? 💥 Your most valuable financial […]
📲 Scoop: 311 reports influence action
Shaking your head right now thinking about the overgrown lot in your neighborhood? 🙏 Stay with me for a minute. Why it matters: Data is driving decision making in powerful ways. 📘 Story time: I attended a neighborhood alliance meeting last night where my city council member pulled back the curtain on a hot topic—panhandling at […]
🪜 Check your roof valleys
When two roof slopes meet to form a valley, they create a channel for water and a risk point for leaks. Why it matters: Your roof’s ability to protect your home depends on the most vulnerable spots—valleys and roof penetrations—performing well. ❄️ Slow melting snow and ice in valleys will show you if you have leaks […]
✅ How to shop for new floors
Before your next flooring project, you need a good checklist. 🖼️ The big picture: Flooring is often advertised with a price per square foot that does not include all preparation and installation costs. When Daphne and Mike came to my home, I saw the attention to detail you want. 📝 Here’s Daphne’s checklist when you’re getting quotes: […]
♻️ Ditch SOLO cups for the Super Bowl
Ball’s Aluminum Party Cups are a better alternative —> stronger, drinks stay colder, multiple uses and infinitely recyclable. 🧮 By the numbers: 75% of the aluminum ever produced globally is in use today. Recycling aluminum uses 95% LESS energy than producing it from raw materials. Recycled aluminum packaging can be back on the shelf in […]
♨️ Electric pipe heaters make sense
During a hard freeze you might need an automatic electric heating cable to protect uninsulated pipes Why it matters: Burst pipes wreak havoc on our homes and create costly damage. 🥶 Remember. Temperature matters! The National Weather Service issues a hard freeze warning when temps reach 28 degrees. Temps below 20 degrees will definitely freeze water […]
❄️ Learning from the snow melting off your roof
Uneven melting patterns on your roof can reveal problems in your attic. Why it matters: Leaky attics and leaky duct work increase a home’s energy costs by 15-50%. 👀 As the snow and ice start melting, use the chance to observe your roof. 🔬Zooming in: Good attic insulation keeps the warm air in your home. Snow […]
🎨 Refinish kitchen cabinets with care
Grease and smoke build up on kitchen cabinets and need to be addressed. Why it matters: Painting or refinishing kitchen cabinets without the right prep is a waste of your resources. Our painting expert Andrey puts it like this: 👀 All painting projects start with prep. If your house is not protected like the criminal scenes […]
⚡ $195 power outage protection
Winter power outages can leave us disconnected and in the dark. Why it matters: During emergencies we want to keep phones charged and stay connected to loved ones. Some options to think about: 💡 Rechargeable light bulbs — $30 for 4. ⚡ Refrigerator surge protection — $35. 🔋 Battery backup your WiFi — $130. (Costco price is crazy! […]