Smart Homeowners

Daily tips and resources to help you improve, care for and protect your home.

I will give you something every day so you can live smarter. With my team of experts, we’ll cover what matters to you: security, energy efficiency, maintenance, home improvement, finance and insurance.

📷 Get the pictures

By smartrooftexas | May 14, 2023

Create a habit of taking a series of pictures of your home. Why it matters: Time and date stamped pictures can help you in the event of an insurance claim or in a dispute with a contractor. ⚙️ How to get started: First, create an album on your phone using your address as the name of […]

🛑 Stopping junk mail

By smartrooftexas | May 14, 2023

You can stop receiving the majority of junk mail with a few easy steps. Why it matters: Unsolicited catalogfs and credit card offers create clutter and can increase your exposure to identity theft. ⚙️ How it works: Use these free or low cost options for the following: 👉 Credit and insurance offers 👉 Catalogs and other junk mail […]

🤔 Is that air getting in there?

By smartrooftexas | May 14, 2023

Since our homes aren’t as air tight as they should be, we need to be aware of the contents in the connected spaces. Why it matters: Air is moving from your connected garage, attic and/or crawl space into your living space. 🖼️ The big picture: Reducing the number and kind of pollutants in connected spaces leads […]

🏠 🫁 A house needs to breathe?

By smartrooftexas | May 14, 2023

I’m spending the day with a building science expert and author of A House Needs to Breathe … Or Does It? Why it matters: We spend the majority of our lives indoors and a huge percentage in our homes. 🔬 Zoom in: What is home performance? A high performing home is … 👉 Comfortable — Where you […]

🏭 Getting ready for summer grid outages

By smartrooftexas | May 14, 2023

The Texas power grid operator (ERCOT) is predicting record demand this summer. Why it matters: If peak demand is greater than the grid’s capacity we will experience brownouts. 🥊 The bottom line: If you have experienced brownouts in the past, you are likely to again. 💡 Know your options. 👉 Use one or more UPS Battery Backups to […]

🥷 Ransomware attacks: What’s happening?

By smartrooftexas | May 14, 2023

At the time of this writing, the City of Dallas is still working to contain a ransomware attack it suffered Wednesday. Why it matters: Some city services temporarily shut down, including the courts and Dallas Water Utilities billing department. 🖼️ The big picture: Individuals are not likely to be targets of a sophisticated attack like this. […]

💡 Upcycling your jars

By smartrooftexas | May 5, 2023

Upcycling is the process of reusing an object or material in a way that creates a higher value or quality than the original. Why it matters: Instead of discarding or recycling, you can put some items to good use. 🤔 Glass jars can be used in lots of creative ways. 🔬 Zoom in: To clean and prepare […]

🐖 The insurance process — Part 3

By smartrooftexas | May 5, 2023

Catch up with Part 1 and Part 2 Filing a claim requires the right mindset. Why it matters: Homeowners often approach claims with a passive and trusting mindset that results in underpaid claims. 💡 Know your rights. 🐖 It’s your piggy bank 🥊 The bottom line: Insurance companies are represented by powerful and well funded lobbyists looking out […]

👏 Only 1 password to remember

By smartrooftexas | May 5, 2023

With an ever increasing number of online accounts, smart devices and apps, the number of passwords we need has become unmanageable. Why it matters: The old method of creating a few memorable passwords to use on multiple accounts puts you at risk. 🥊 Reality check: Using a password manager is the easiest and safest way […]

🗳️ What’s on your ballot?

By smartrooftexas | May 5, 2023

Statewide elections are being held May 6, 2023 for mayor, city council, school board and ballot measures. Why it matters: Odd year elections see low voter turnout giving your vote a greater impact. 💡 is a nonpartisan resource to give you information for what’s on your ballot. ✅ For your Smart Homeowner list Best, Travis

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