I re-roofed my parents’ house in 2019.
- And yes, they paid their deductible.
Why it matters: I still get the question every storm season.
- “Do I have to pay deductible?”
Reality check: Actually, you WANT TO pay it. (insert Jedi mind trick meme here 🤓)
⚙️ How it works:
Replacement cost =
Your deductible +
Insurance proceeds.
- A contractor who waives your deductible
👎 Is cutting corners on your roof
👎 Is running a shady ****business
👎 Is committing a crime
👎 Is causing you to commit insurance fraud
✅ For your Smart Homeowner list
- Lower premiums —> higher deductibles
- There’s no “right” way —> either pay more now or pay more later.
- Choose the strategy that makes the most sense for you. 😁