πŸ”₯🚿 Are you in hot water?

Hot water is one of those luxuries that you never fully appreciate until you travel to places without it!

  • Yes, even in the summer. πŸ˜‰

πŸ₯Š The bottom line: Federal tax credits and utility rebates make the best options even more affordable.

πŸ”¬ Zoom in: Two great options are tankless natural gas and electric heat pump water heaters.

πŸ‘‰ Tankless natural gas hot water heaters

  • The right size tankless gives you endless hot water for pennies.
  • Since getting a tankless, we spend less than $40 per month on hot water β€” $25 of that is the monthly fees.
  • In other words, we’re using less than 50 cents a day on the gas to heat our water.

πŸ‘‰ Heat pump hot water heaters

  • They are 4x more efficient than traditional electric hot water heaters.
  • Traditional electric hot water heaters use a heating element β€” like your toaster. (Please don’t try to heat water with a toaster. πŸ€ͺ)
  • Heat pump hot water heaters work more like your refrigerator, but in reverse.
  • Instead of heating up the water using an element or a flame, heat pumps transfer heat from the surrounding air into the water.
  • The back of a refrigerator releases warm air β€” the warm air it removed from inside the fridge.
  • The top of a heat pump hot water heater emits cooler air β€” the air that was displaced by the warmer air.

🧐 Things to consider

  • Tankless hot water heaters need the right size gas line and an older home might not have a big enough line β€” check with a plumber.
  • Like all gas appliances, proper venting to the outside is critical.
  • Some tankless gas water heaters are eligible for a federal tax credit β€” 30% of the project cost, up to $600
  • Heat pump hot water heaters need a little more space than traditional electric.
  • Heat pump hot water heaters are eligible for an Oncor rebate ($500) and a federal tax credit β€” 30% of the project cost, up to $2000.

βœ… For your Smart Homeowner list

  • Whenever you’re replacing mechanicals (HVAC an water heating) or appliances, look beyond the initial cost and account for the operating cost.



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