🏠 Your roof assembly – Part 4: Shingles

We’ve covered the sheathing, underlayment and flashing components of your roof.

  • Now we’ll take a closer look at the shingles.

Why it matters: All shingles are not created equally.

🔬 Zoom in: Keep this checklist to review the next time you need a roof.

👉 3 types of shingles belong on every roof: starter shingles, field shingles and cap shingles.

  • The most common cost cutting move for a roofer is to substitute 3 tab shingles for starter or cap shingles —> in a word, “NO!” 😁

👉 Shingles should be part of a system.

  • Every manufacturer makes underlayment, starter, cap and field shingles and provides the best warranties when all of their components are used together.

👉 Every shingle has a correct layout to make sure it looks right and performs right.

  • Contractors with certifications from the manufacturer are more likely to do it right.

👉 6 nails in a shingle will qualify most shingles for a higher wind rating.

  • The cost and effort to add one more nail per shingle is minimal.

👉 Class 3 and Class 4 shingles are rated for greater impact (hail resistance) and qualify you for insurance discounts.

  • The small cost to upgrade is quickly recouped with insurance savings.

✅ For your Smart Homeowner list



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