🏠 Your roof assembly – Part 3: Flashing

When it comes to your roof, it’s what you can’t see that cause the biggest problems.

Why it matters: The most common failure point on any roof is related to flashing.

  • If water is getting in, this is where it’s most likely to happen.

🥊 The bottom line: Ask the question: “Are you replacing all of the flashing?”

  • If any flashing is being reused, ask for pictures of it.

🔬 Zoom in: Flashing should be installed to divert water from any penetration or intersection with the roof deck.

  • Drip edge is a flashing that goes around the perimeter of the house to cover the gap between your roof sheathing and the fascia.
  • Pipes like plumbing stacks that vent sinks and toilets and furnace stacks for your furnace and hot water heater require special flashing called boots or jacks.
  • Exhaust fans like your vent hood or bathroom fans require special roof vents.
  • Second story walls and dormers that intersect the roof need step flashing —> 8” L shaped flashing that sits on the roof deck AND goes up the wall.
  • Skylights and chimneys need special flashing kits for the top, sides and bottom.

🚨 Be on the lookout during a re-roof!

  • All flashing can be replaced —> pipe boots and drip edge for sure.
  • Base flashing around furnace vents is often reused —> but it must be in good condition.
  • Step flashing that goes under siding or stucco is more difficult to replace and may require removing and replacing siding.

✅ For your Smart Homeowner list

  • I can’t cover every scenario for you in a short email, so your job as a smart homeowner is to be aware, ask questions and get verification (pictures) for things you can’t inspect later.



P.S. Follow me on Instagram today to see a demonstration of a FORTIFIED roof installation.

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