📢 Act now if you’re shopping insurance

Some insurance companies are not writing policies in Texas for the remainder of 2023.

Why it matters: If you’re considering changing insurance, your alternatives are shrinking.

🔦 Pro Spotlight

Aaron Husman with The Phoenix Insurance explains that insurance companies only write policies until they reach a limit.

  • The limit is determined by the amount of insurance they buy — “reinsurance” is insurance for the insurance companies.

⚠️ Be careful when you’re shopping.

  • If your policy has ACV (Actual Cash Value) coverage for your roof, replacement is much more costly.
  • A roof payment schedule is another form of ACV. In other words, it’s more expensive to replace the roof.

✅ For your Smart Homeowner list

  • Shopping insurance with a broker who can write policies for multiple companies will give you the most options.
  • Hint: An ACV roof policy with a low deductible might make sense for the first 5 years or so after getting a new roof. Your risk of replacement is lower and the ACV amount should be close to the RCV (Replacement Cost Value) amount.



P.S. To review your current policy or look at other options, you can set up a time with Aaron’s policy whiz Jason Olson. 😁

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