💂 Protection of a tight envelope

This current email series is focused on helping you move towards independence in your home.

  • Independence is the first step toward interdependence —> think about the message we hear on airplanes, “Put on your oxygen mask first.”

🥊 Reality check: A leaky house (like mine) is LESS resilient.

  • A tight building envelope gives you more control over the conditions in your house.

📢 Repeat after me to review the forces of nature our buildings need to resist:

👉 Hot moves to cold

👉 Wet moves to dry

👉 High pressure moves to low pressure

🔬 Zoom in: Shelter readiness prepares you for 2 scenarios:

🥳 Stay-at-Home is appropriate under many emergency conditions from severe weather to civil unrest.

  • The more air-tight and well insulated your home, the longer you can stay inside and be comfortable — even in a power outage.

😷 Shelter-in-Place is a more rare situation that can include the need to seal a room.

  • If you’re ever in that position, the tighter your house, the more effectively you can seal it from harmful contaminants.
  • Click on the link above to learn more about steps to seal a room.

✅ For your Smart Homeowner list

  • Take some time to consider the level of preparation you need for peace of mind.
  • Bonus: One thing I’ll add to the DOHS steps for sealing a room —>
  • A battery powered CO2 monitor can help you be aware of rising CO2 levels inside the room. High CO2 leads to increased drowsiness and lower cognitive ability.



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