🤔 Start small with your floor guy

People ask me all the time, “Do you have a good [fill in the blank] guy?”

👇 Skip ahead to meet my floor guy.

Why it matters: When you need a good contractor for a job — big or small — you want to call someone you can trust.

🔎 Between the lines: One of the best ways to build that relationship is with a small job.

  • A contractor who handles your small jobs with care and professionalism has the right mindset.

🤝 Meet Mike Williams and his wife Daphne who will come to your home in their mobile showroom and help you pick out the perfect floor.

  • (A lot of professional companies don’t want mess with small jobs.)
  • Mike said to our group, “If you have someone who needs flooring in a closet … or a pantry … we’ll take care of them.”

✅ For your Smart Homeowner list

  • Who do you need in your phone? I would love to make an intro.



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