🪄 Mulch with magic powers

We add mulch to our landscape beds to improve appearance, suppress weeds and conserve water.

Why it matters: The cost of mulch is a fraction of the cost of the money and/or time we spend planting and maintaining our beds.

🤔 Instead of choosing mulch based on color, consider what happens to the mulch as it breaks down.

🎍 Pine bark mulch breaks down over time into a beautiful organic soil.

  • Perfect for plants and trees that thrive in acidic soils —> like gardenias, hydrangeas, azaleas & Japanese maples.

👉 The method I used for planting my thriving Japanese maple used only pine bark mulch.

  • Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball.
  • Put a layer of pine bark mulch at the bottom of the hole.
  • Place the root ball in the hole and surround it with pine bark mulch.

✅ For your Smart Homeowner list

  • If you’re not sure about the best mulch for your landscaping …
  • Take some pictures of what you have and head down to your local nursery for advice.
  • My personal favorite is Jemasco Pine Bark Mulch I get from Bruce Miller Nurseries.



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