🏡 Protecting your most valuable asset

Disability insurance is a tool to give you peace of mind and help you protect your most valuable asset.

Why it matters: 1 in 4 people will become disabled before age 67.

Financial advisor Forrest Patterson helps his clients plan for the unexpected:

🔭 Zoom out: What is your most valuable asset?

  • People tend to think of their home or something they own.

💥 Your most valuable financial asset is YOU!

  • Your ability to earn a living and achieve your goals for the future.

🔎 Between the lines: More than half of today’s workers do not have access to disability insurance through their employer.

  • Many workplace group plans cover only a portion of your income – generally around 50-60%. In most cases benefits will be taxable.

🏦 Disability income insurance is a key part of a comprehensive financial plan.

✅ For your Smart Homeowner list

  • Will your current financial plan allow you to stay in your home if you could no longer work in your same capacity?
  • Take time to review your plan and consult with your financial advisor.



P.S. If you want to review your plan with someone who has personally “dealt with many of the ‘what ifs’ of life,” you’ll appreciate all Forrest brings to the conversation. Send Forrest an email.

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