🎨 Refinish kitchen cabinets with care

Grease and smoke build up on kitchen cabinets and need to be addressed.

Why it matters: Painting or refinishing kitchen cabinets without the right prep is a waste of your resources.

Our painting expert Andrey puts it like this:

👀 All painting projects start with prep. If your house is not protected like the criminal scenes from Dexter, you should fire your painter, go do it NOW!

  • Cabinet painting is one of the most delicate paint jobs you will come across inside your house. To achieve a desired result, everything should be done right from start to finish.

📝 Degreasing, sanding and priming

  • Degrease surfaces where oils have built up to get good adhesion.
  • Follow with sanding, priming and more sanding to ensure the surface is smooth for a desirable finish.
  • The only way to get your cabinets painted is by spraying. Brushing or rolling will leave brush strokes and roller marks.

✅ For your Smart Homeowner list

  • Take a minute to look closely at your kitchen cabinets when you have bright daylight.
  • When it’s time to refinish, be ready to spend more money on this project to get it done right.



P.S. When your paint project needs a real pro, start with a free painting consultation from a professional painting service like 360 Painting of Dallas.

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